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October 4, 2024 by Shinefy

Tips and Tricks: How to become a successful Email Marketer

Email marketing has evolved significantly. Today, the abundance of tools and email service providers offers marketers numerous ways to connect with potential clients.

Successful email marketing starts with an effective strategy. Discover how to elevate yours and craft campaigns that drive conversions.

The return on investment (ROI) from a well-crafted email marketing plan is substantial. It actually delivers a higher ROI than any other marketing approach, returning $56 for every dollar invested.

To achieve the best results, you must devise a strategy that consistently converts.

This involves implementing a series of email marketing techniques to adjust, evaluate, enhance, and continually offer an excellent experience for subscribers.

1. Segment your audience

Email can serve various purposes: welcoming new customers, guiding them through your sales funnel, announcing new features, sharing exclusive deals, and more. However, you can only effectively use these strategies by segmenting your audience list.

There are several segmentation methods; here are some key ones:

  • Demographics: Use CRM to compile a list of emails based on specific locations.

  • Engagement : Consider re-sending or sending a slightly modified email to those who didn't open the initial one.

  • Customer Journey Stage: Tailor your offers for new and/or long-term customers.

  • Source: Identify which form on your website they used to provide their contact information.

You’ll need to establish rules and conditions in an automated email platform to execute this effectively.

2. Personalize your Emails

Research indicates that 96% of consumers have received mistargeted information or promotions, such as:

  • Offers that demonstrate a lack of understanding of the customer.

  • Errors in basic customer information.

  • Inconsistent messaging across different platforms.

Furthermore, 68% of consumers delete emails with these mistakes immediately, and 54% unsubscribe.

Personalization offers significant advantages, such as:

  • Personalized subject lines can lead to up to 50% higher open rates.

  • Personalized emails yield a return on investment of 122%.

  • Birthday emails can generate 342% more revenue per email than standard promotions.

With digital marketing, you have access to extensive data about potential customers that can be leveraged for personalization. Website and social media analytics can help identify topics, products, services, or messages that generate the most engagement.

Lead forms can also be used to collect email addresses along with additional fields for necessary personalization data.

For smaller subscriber lists, an email lookup tool can provide basic information about your customer, such as their name, company affiliation, server location, and social media profiles.

Beyond using the customer’s name, here are some additional tips for personalization:

  • Request essential information upfront: Effective personalization begins before you send an email. It starts with your sign-up form. Without data like name, company, and location, personalized communication will be limited. Only ask for information you truly need rather than what you want.

  • Use a genuine reply-to email address: Avoid using [email protected] as it diminishes authenticity. Encourage readers to engage and respond by using a real reply address to improve credibility and appear more personal.

  • Include your real email signature: Similar to using a genuine reply-to address, provide real contact details within the email by including them in the signature. Offering readers the chance to contact or connect with you online enhances personal connection and relationship-building.

3. Be mobile friendly

What is one of the first things people do upon waking up?

Typically, they check their phones for calls, messages—and yes—emails.

If you send an email to someone who reads it on their mobile device but it's not optimized for mobile viewing, what do you think happens?

Most likely, they will unsubscribe or delete it.

So why are nearly half of all emails still not mobile-friendly? When optimized for mobile devices, email campaigns generate significant revenue.

A poor mobile experience makes 52% of users less inclined to engage with a company; 53% would leave a site if it doesn’t load within three seconds. Since 70% of emails are opened on mobile devices and your calls-to-action direct users back to your site, mobile optimization is crucial.

Here’s what mobile optimization entails:

  • All relevant text is readable on one screen without needing horizontal scrolling.

  • The email and landing page load quickly.

  • Clear and tappable buttons are provided.

  • Font typefaces are easy on the eyes in terms of size and color contrast.

4. Automation is the key

A triggered email is automatically sent after a user takes specific actions. Triggered emails have a 70.5% higher open rate because they reach recipients when they’re already engaged.

Data shows that trigger emails outperform traditional ones significantly—for instance; welcome emails boast an open rate of 50%, with click-through rates (CTR) nearing 30%. Compared with regular newsletters—they're 86% better at achieving desired outcomes.

Trigger-based emails can boost revenue by at least 24 times compared with traditional ones! Here are examples:

  • Activation: If new users create accounts but don't use products within seven days—send automated activation campaigns containing login info/instructions/videos/offers/meetings/support options.

  • Win-Back Campaigns: When existing customers near subscription end dates—but haven't used products recently—send win-back campaigns showcasing new features/plans/upcoming releases.

  • Surprise Offers: Reward loyal customers periodically via surprise offers/freebies/gift cards/coupons/etc.—small business costs yield big rewards.

5. Timing Matters

Generally speaking—the best timeframes during which marketers should aim their efforts include daytime hours during weekdays (excluding Mondays)—especially midweek periods like Tuesday/Wednesday mornings between 10:00 to 11:00 AM.

However—these benchmarks may vary depending upon individual audiences' preferences & habits—plus remote work trends necessitate reassessment! Conduct A/B tests utilizing internal data sources determining optimal sending times tailored specifically towards unique clientele needs/preferences.

Analyze subscriber behaviors—including timezone considerations—to pinpoint ideal emailing windows accordingly! For instance—sending messages Tuesdays or Wednesdays from 10:00 to 11:00 AM often yields positive outcomes while avoiding lunchtime lulls altogether! Interestingly enough though—even early morning sends (4:00 to 8:00 AM) produce surprisingly high transaction rates.

6. Captivate readers with the use of storytelling techniques

Whether brief narratives spanning mere sentences—or longer-form content that consists of hundreds of pages—stories captivate audiences effectively! Consider employing storytelling tactics enhancing overall performance metrics accordingly.

You can share background stories detailing latest product/service developments—including challenges faced along way leading successful launches ultimately reminding recipients why offerings stand apart competitively speaking.

Alternatively—provide concise versions highlighting previous successes linking fuller accounts elsewhere online enabling deeper dives interested parties seeking further insights.

You can also begin crafting resonant problem statements aligning closely alongside target demographics' pain points/desires before concluding impressively quantifiable results achieved thereafter closing off narrative arcs inviting continued exploration via strategically placed CTAs.

7. Make a connection by using emotions

Every customer's pain point or desire ultimately stems from underlying emotional drivers fueling decision-making processes.

If you’re an accountant, your customers want to stop feeling fearful about not getting their taxes done on time. They want to feel peace of mind that they’ll get the highest return.

If you’re an analytics platform, your audience wants to stop stressing over their reporting. They want to feel confident when presenting to their boss.

So get more engagement from your emails with emotional marketing copy. Email is a great avenue for marketing with emotion, especially since you can cater to very specific readers and experiment using A/B testing.

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